
Category: Affirmations for Good Health

Affirmations for Good Health
Deb Rankin

A quick hack to feel happier

My cousin and I laugh big belly laughs when people tell obvious lies. It’s stupid, it wastes energy, but more important, I find admitting your truths is a quick hack to feel happier. To understand why, let’s think about putting new roofs on houses, and dating online. What? Repair the roof, don’t just cover up

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This is a picture of a cute brown puppy who seems very puzzled by this question.
Affirmations for Good Health
Deb Rankin

Who knows your good stories?

With the holidays coming up there will be a plethora of opportunities to tell stories, at least if your family is like mine. This year, give some thought to the kind of stories you tell. What you say has the power to either torpedo someone’s confidence and self image, or generate a positive affirmation for

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stop eating too much during the holiday
Affirmations for Good Health
Deb Rankin

Stop Eating Too Much During The Holidays

If you want to stop eating too much during the holidays you have two choices: You can decide what you’re NOT going to do. “I am not going to eat chocolate cake or those cute little holiday cookies with icing and sprinkles and such pretty decorations….” You can think about what you ARE going to

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nature meditation to relieve discouragement
Affirmations for Good Health
Deb Rankin

A Nature Meditation to Relieve Discouragement

What’s on your mind? I hope life is all you want it to be, and you’re full of hope for the future. Awesome! Sometimes, though, we hit bumps and obstacles. Then we need to step back and see things from a broader perspective, as I did during this nature meditation to relieve discouragement. The message I

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Get on board railroad track
Affirmations for Good Health
Deb Rankin

Always Look in the Direction You Want to Go

Health Goals That Work What if the secret to getting what you want is picking positive goals? Health goals that work mean you focus more on adding a good thing than taking away something you feel is “wrong.” When you focus on what you don’t want to do, you often end up more inclined to

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meditation nature
Affirmations for Good Health
Deb Rankin

Follow Nature and Be the Bloom

Meditation on Nature The last Friday of every month I share a video meditation on nature. I ask you to sit back, relax, and take deep breaths. Let you mind focus on this one thing for forty seconds. https://youtu.be/M9nycQ79OMk   What Meditation On Nature Did For Me  Once upon a time, I thought multi-tasking was

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definition of wholeness
Affirmations for Good Health
Deb Rankin

What Do You Want To Be: Healthy or Whole?

Definition of Wholeness I have a client who does not like me to use the word healthy when we work together. To her, healthy has a negative impression and makes her feel judged, criticized, and unsuccessful. Despite lots of effort and years on various exercise and diet programs, she didn’t find health. She told me

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nature views reduce stress
Affirmations for Good Health
Deb Rankin

Why Nature Views Reduce Stress

This video captures a mountain stream in winter. There is rich beauty and elegance, even when colors are drab and foliage is bare. Several studies confirm that  workouts with nature views reduce stress, and also improve mood and self esteem.  http://Environ. Sci. Technol. 2010, 44, 10, 3947–3955 Burnout Recovery What is burnout? It’s a state

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Affirmations for Good Health
Deb Rankin

Learn by Failure and Keep Moving Forward

Taking up bicycling in my fifties has given me many opportunities to learn by failure. Did I tell you about my humiliating mountain biking effort? https://deborahrankinrd.com/a-gratitude-journal-transformed-my-mountain-biking-failure/ How about the time my bike seat fell off as I sat on it? Ten years ago I bought my first good bicycle with money I gained from my

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Nature Meditation Choose to Keep Going
Affirmations for Good Health
Deb Rankin

Choose to Keep Going

The nature meditation Choose to Keep Going features a forest after a long, harsh winter. Do you ever feel like you have winter in your soul? Watch the forest for signs of new life, then choose to keep going and grow again. Stress Relief and Nature When did research for my book I learned amazing

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From Deborah Rankin, RD

Five Things to Start Now to Lose Belly Fat