
Tag: foods to eat to loose belly fat

green veggie
Deb Rankin

Green Veggie Barley Bowl

This green veggie barley bowl is one of my favorite new recipes. It’s a meatless meal packed with flavor, nutrition, and bright colors. A nutrient-packed, delicious meatless meal     Foods to Eat to Lose Belly Fat A recipe like this green veggy barley bowl may promote belly fat loss in several ways: Soluble fiber

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This is a cup I use for drinking water every morning.
Deb Rankin

Dark Chocolate Health Benefits

Dark chocolate health benefits are profound, but some people resist the somewhat bitter taste. I have a solution–chocolate for breakfast! Click here to watch a short video that shows how to make dark chocolate oatmeal for breakfast in less than a minute. In my book I published three more great recipes for oatmeal. Each can

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From Deborah Rankin, RD

Five Things to Start Now to Lose Belly Fat