
Tag: burnout quiz

Radnor Lake burnout recovery in nature
Deb Rankin

Burnout Recovery In Nature

What is burnout: The World Health Organization says burnout is a health condition characterized by feelings of exhaustion, negativism and cynicism, and reduced productivity. While it’s likely either you or someone you love will suffer from burnout, the good news is that time spent outdoors is a way to achieve burnout recovery in nature. Watch

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nature meditation to relieve discouragement
Affirmations for Good Health
Deb Rankin

A Nature Meditation to Relieve Discouragement

What’s on your mind? I hope life is all you want it to be, and you’re full of hope for the future. Awesome! Sometimes, though, we hit bumps and obstacles. Then we need to step back and see things from a broader perspective, as I did during this nature meditation to relieve discouragement. The message I

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nature views reduce stress
Affirmations for Good Health
Deb Rankin

Why Nature Views Reduce Stress

This video captures a mountain stream in winter. There is rich beauty and elegance, even when colors are drab and foliage is bare. Several studies confirm that  workouts with nature views reduce stress, and also improve mood and self esteem.  http://Environ. Sci. Technol. 2010, 44, 10, 3947–3955 Burnout Recovery What is burnout? It’s a state

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Deb Rankin

Connections Help Burnout Recovery

A few years ago I drove 300 miles in one day, interviewed for four hours, then drove 300 miles back home. Perhaps I spent the night in a hotel somewhere in between, but my main memory is hours alone on the interstate staring at white lines and lanes. Drained and anxious after months of unemployment,

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Burnout quiz
Deb Rankin

Burnout Quiz and Recovery

Here’s what I think: the more competent you are, the more likely you are to experience burnout. If that describes you, read on and learn about my burnout quiz, and ways you can achieve burnout recovery. It is great to be competent! We spend a lot of energy, years of practice and study to become

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scenes from nature aid burnout recovery
Affirmations for Good Health
Deb Rankin

Like A Mountain Stream

Nature Aids Burnout Recovery Did you know that spending time in nature can reduce stress and strengthen your immune system? Even looking at pictures of trees and forests can help. Therefore I made a very short nature meditation called “Like A Mountain Stream” to help you unwind and release stress. Enjoy! Burnout Recovery When doing

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Feeling entrepreneurial burnout
Deb Rankin

Burnout: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know

In fall of 2013 I led a sales team of seven people, traveled half the time for work, grew eighteen million dollars of business to exceed our sales goal by ten percent, finished the first draft of my novel, scheduled round-the-clock caregivers for my dying father, helped him plan his funeral, and bicycled 55 miles

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From Deborah Rankin, RD

Five Things to Start Now to Lose Belly Fat