Tag: healthy habits

definition of wholeness
Affirmations for Good Health
Deb Rankin

What Do You Want To Be: Healthy or Whole?

Definition of Wholeness I have a client who does not like me to use the word healthy when we work together. To her, healthy has a negative impression and makes her feel judged, criticized, and unsuccessful. Despite lots of effort and years on various exercise and diet programs, she didn’t find health. She told me

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I work with a personal trainer to learn a five minute set of work day weight lifting to firm arms and reduce stress.
Deb Rankin

Five Minutes to Firmer Arms and Calmer Mood

How to Relieve Stress and Anxiety During the work day there are many ways to react when things get crazy and stress builds up. You can call someone and complain, reach for a substance (food, alcohol, medication) to comfort yourself, or do nothing and let your body bear the brunt of unresolved stress. Any of

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This is your brain on books.
Deb Rankin

If You Give An Entrepreneur A Cookie

In the children’s book “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie,” the cookie kicks off a long chain of other things the mouse needs, just because he had a cookie. One reviewer calls it a “circular tale.” Wikipedia says it illustrates a “slippery slope.” I write to entrepreneurs, because it’s a word that applies to

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