What To Do If You Want Better Belly Fat Loss Workouts

I like exercise that’s fun. I want belly fat loss workouts that don’t make me train for hours or do tons of sit ups or crunches.

In fact, overly stressful workouts can elevate blood cortisol levels and shift metabolism toward increased belly fat. Not what you want, right? Me neither. So I made this video to share two tips for better belly fat loss workouts.

If you want to dive deeper into the science behind this, you could read a book I mention in the video: 

A book that inspired my strategies for belly fat loss workouts.

Or, you could check out the video book review of “Spark” that I made several years ago.  https://deborahrankinrd.com/spark/ It’s a crazy fun video. I filmed it using an I-phone clamped to the handlebar of my bike while I rode!

How to Find Your Best Belly Fat Loss Workouts

  1. Is it fun? Only if it’s fun are you likely to keep it up and make it a lasting part of your life. Otherwise, it’s just another “should” you have to cram into your already packed days. We all know how that makes us feel.
  2. Does it get your heart rate into the target rate zone for your age? But first, make sure your physician gives medical approval for you to workout at the training heart rate level. I avoid long, stressful workouts that might elevate my stress hormones by adding short spurts of high intensity training. I’ve worked with exercise physiologists or credentialed personal trainers several times, and highly recommend learning from their expertise.

Gratitude and Jump Ropes

Start every morning with gratitude for a body that moves, that supports you throughout your day, that transports you to all the adventures life has to offer.  What gratitude means is celebrating great blessings that we might otherwise take for granted.

Jumping rope can be a valuable part of your life of movement, for several reasons:

  1. It’s inexpensive
  2. It’s portable and easy to take with you
  3. It doesn’t take long to get in high intensity interval training (but only if your doctor approves.)


Capture the secret of sprints and the magic of jumping rope for effective belly fat loss workouts. Find workouts you enjoy, and monitor your heart rate throughout. 

If you want help discovering good motivators for your wholeness and health, check out my infographic “My Why for Health.” You can find it here https://stressrelief.deborahrankinrd.com/mywhyforhealth 

If you have friends or family who might benefit from this video and blog, please share it with them by clicking one of the buttons below.

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