Transplant A Green Veggie Harvest

A green veggie harvest can give you more than salads for your table. Did you know gardening is good for your health? Researchers in Japan and the UK say gardening is linked to less depression and anxiety, lower body mass, more life satisfaction and sense of community.

Here’s a short video that has it all–a dog, little children, and a quote from noted author Wendell Berry.

Belly Fat From Stress

 I’ve read so much lately about the health risks associated with large abdominal girth.

I know this is not something you want. The question is, what to do about it? Most people assume they have to go on a very low calorie diet, run for miles, or do hundreds of abdominal crunches. Not necessarily.

One powerful contributor to belly fat gain is stress.  If you live with chronic stress and inflammation, your body produces a more of a  hormone called cortisol. Cortisol helps you respond to critical challenges, and that’s great for short crises. When blood levels of cortisol are elevated for a long time, your metabolism shifts in ways that promote greater fat stores in the belly. So yes, you can get belly fat from stress.

Calculate waist hip ratio

Click here to get an infographic that shows how to calculate your waist hip ratio. If your results suggest it’s time to do something, consider all aspects of your lifestyle and level of stress before adding even more stress with a restrictive diet or punishing workout program.

You can start a garden, plant kale or spinach in a pot on your patio, and enjoy a green veggie harvest. The benefits are great–less depression and anxiety, lower body mass index, more life satisfaction, quality of life, and sense of community.

Free Guide

For more help with your holistic quality of life, sign up below and grab my free guide “Five Things to Start Now to Lose Belly Fat.”

©️ 2022 Healthy Habits Communications LLC

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