
Foods That Help To Sleep

Foods That Help To Sleep


After a sleepless night your head feels cloudy and your mood often makes you act irritable and short-tempered.  How miserable this is! Common advice to counteract insomnia often includes eating certain foods. Is there anything to this? This video describes foods that help to sleep.

Eat to Sleep is a video review of Karman Meyer’s book, and tells you what foods that help to sleep. Poor sleep is a risk for many health conditions. One common effect of poor sleep is setting up hormonal responses that may cause you to gain belly fat.

For reasons why you want to avoid excess belly fat (and it has nothing to do with how you look in a swimsuit), check out my blog https://deborahrankinrd.com/calculate-waist-hip-ratio/


Here’s an infographic from Johns Hopkins Medicine that shows the effects of sleep deprivation. Source: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/the-effects-of-sleep-deprivation

can't sleep

How to Sleep Better


If you struggle to fall asleep, you’re not alone. A 2020 survey report that one third of Americans struggle with insomnia. https://www.ajmc.com/view/insomnia-overview-epidemiology-pathophysiology-diagnosis-and-monitoring-and-nonpharmacologic-therapy

Healthy sleep is part of the health and wholeness diet roadmap I give my clients when they see how much they can gain from partnering with a registered dietitian nutritionist.. Open your mind to the possibility that the answer is not a magic pill, a quick fix, but an integrated life that honors the needs of your body with the practices you follow each day.

To discover tangible, practical things you can do to feel and move better, click here for my free guide “Five Things To Start Now To Lose Belly Fat.”

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